Girl Scout Volunteers:
GSUSA’s National Board of Directors has called a virtual Special 57th National Council Session for October 19, 2024. Due to increased costs (especially around technology), the National Board is proposing an increase in membership dues — beginning with Membership Year 2026 — to continue delivering the quality programming Girl Scouts need, and families expect.
What's being proposed?
During this session, the National Council will discuss, debate, and vote on two proposals from the National Board to establish new rates for girl and adult membership dues. At this point, these are only proposals; the final outcome will not be known until voting is complete. Any increase beyond 25% in a triennium requires GSUSA's National Board of Directors to convene a Special National Council Session to secure a majority vote of the National Council Delegates.
For more detailed information, GSUSA has also shared an explanatory video, which you can access using the passcode: @vHeA5x0
National Council will determine the outcome
While recommended amounts for the increases have been named in the proposals from GSUSA's board ($45 for adults and $85 for girls), the National Council will be using a “Fill in the Blank” approach for determining the outcome. National Delegates will be able to propose varying amounts, in $5 increments, for consideration. The National Council will vote until one proposal receives a majority vote. Debate will occur before the final vote, which will determine whether the two proposals are approved, and if so, at what amounts. Girl Scouts of Silver Sage has 2 adult delegates and 2 girl delegates who are eligible to vote in this session.
Potential impact
We understand that any proposed changes to membership dues are concerning, and we know the financial impact and hardship a potential increase can bring to families. If the final decision results in an increase, know that GSSSC remains committed to ensuring that Girl Scouts remains accessible to ALL Girl Scouts, regardless of economic background or financial situation.
Local preparations
This week, GSSSC’s National Council Delegates received a packet from GSUSA with all the information for the October 19 session. Our council’s National Delegates will participate in education sessions, then convene the week of October 1st, to review the proposals with potential impacts on our council and feedback from members, discuss the role they will play at the Special Session, and provide guidance on the parliamentary process.
Opportunity for member feedback
In preparation for the week of October 1st session with our council’s National Delegates, GSSSC is sending a quick survey to all members so you may share ideas, feedback and concerns that your GSSSC National Delegates can incorporate as they consider their responses to the proposals. Please use the survey to share your thoughts, as it will be the only way to summarize and quantify our council’s sentiments for our National Council Delegates.
For more information:
Visit this webpage, which will be updated as more details become available.
Want to be a part of this process in the future?
Apply by January 31, 2025 to become a National Council Delegate or Alternate for 2026-28!
The 58th National Council Session (NCS) is the national business meeting being held during the 2026 Girl Scout convention, in which delegates from every council across the nation and USA Girl Scouts Overseas meet to discuss, debate, and vote on issues important to the Girl Scout Movement, and elect members of the National Board of Directors and National Board Development Committee.
If elected by the voting members of Girl Scouts of Silver Sage, the National Council Delegate or Alternate must agree to the following criteria:
Note: Girl Scouts must be at least 14 years old by April 1, 2025 to be eligible.
Apply by January 31, 2025: Silver Sage National Delegate Application
Every three years, Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) holds a National Council Session—also known as NCS. During NCS, elected National Council delegates representing all 111 councils across the nation and USA Girl Scouts Overseas, and the National Board, gather to discuss, debate, and vote on issues important to the Girl Scout Movement as well as elect national leaders for the next triennium.
Throughout their three-year term, delegates gather feedback from their council’s membership, learn about proposals, and act as their council’s voice by serving as voting members on the National Council. Delegates then share insights and report on actions taken by the National Council with their council’s membership at Annual Meetings and other council events.
NCS is part of GSUSA’s national convention, which is held every three years. The other part of the convention is a member-focused event with dynamic, interactive workshops for girls and adults. This event includes inspiring speakers, exciting adventures, and opportunities to meet Girl Scouts from around the United States and the world, sparking forever friendships. The next national convention is scheduled for July 20–25, 2026, and will take place in Washington, DC, our nation’s capital, which will be celebrating our country’s 250th birthday.
Every Girl Scout council is entitled to elect a delegation based on its girl membership. Our delegation includes National Council delegates and alternates. The duties of National Council delegates and alternates are to: