Girl Scout troop and Service Unit camping is a fun and educational opportunity for girls to learn about nature and experience outdoor group living. As with everything in Girl Scouting, we must be prepared to offer a safe experience and one that delivers a quality learning program.
Here is a summary of the requirements for troop/group camping based on the information in the Safety & Risk Management section of your Volunteer Essentials Handbook. (If you have not received a copy of the Volunteer Essentials Handbook, please contact your Service Unit Director or Membership Manager.)
Training Requirements:
401 – Planning Overnight Trips with Girls
This home-study course reviews the essentials of planning and safety relating to taking trips with girls, and is required for any volunteers planning any overnight trip, including camping. For this course, you will need to read the Volunteer Essentials Handbook and access to the Safety Activity Checkpoints found on our website. Please complete the training and email the Self Study answer sheet to or mail to:
GSSSC – Adult Learning
8948 W. Barnes St.
Boise, ID 83709
Girl Scout Guide to Travel
Planning Overnight Trips Self Study
Planning Overnight Trips Self Study Answer Sheet
402 - Outdoor Basics
This home-study course is required if you are planning a troop camping trip with your girls, and is the prerequisite for Course 403 – Troop Camp Skills.
This course includes an introduction to progression in the outdoors, readiness assessment, planning outdoor activities, clothing and equipment planning, menu planning and food safety, simple outdoor cooking, minimal impact camping, tent basics, site selection, and safety.
To complete this course, you will need to:
Print the Outdoor Education Basics (402) Self Study to guide you through the course.
Purchase (or borrow) the GSUSA publication Outdoor Education in Girl Scouting.
Review any Safety Checkpoints relating to your planned outdoor activities.
Complete and submit the 402 quiz.
402 Quiz Answer Sheet
403 - Troop Camping + Camp Skills
Troop camping requires increased adult supervision. Please review the Adult-to-Girl Ratio table to ensure that you are planning ahead to have a sufficient number of registered and background-checked adults.
(See page 4 of the Safety & Risk Management section of your Volunteer Essentials Handbook.)
Paperwork Requirements:
- Permission for Special Activities form from each parent/guardian.
- Troop Overnight Event form submitted to your Service Unit Director four weeks in advance of your trip.
It is assumed that you have completed the paperwork and risk management procedures for your girls and adults for basic troop participation.
(See pages 10 and 11 of the Safety & Risk Management section of your Volunteer Essentials Handbook for details.)
Email your forms to
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